If you read nothing past this sentence, then here’s the quick summary: .ai is a good domain for people wanting a home for tech and artificial intelligence work. Done. You can go home now. But if you want to know more (or are second-guessing yourself) let us put your mind at ease by showing why a .ai domain extension is perfect for businesses and startups in the artificial intelligence and tech industries.

Is .ai a Great Domain For Artificial Intelligence?

When it comes to choosing a domain name for your Artificial Intelligence business, the .ai extension can be a great option. It not only adds a tech-savvy and futuristic touch to your brand but also clearly indicates the nature of your business. And while, yes, the .ai domain actually stands for Anguilla, a small Caribbean island, even they know it really has become the domain for companies operating in this quickly growing field.

Having a .ai domain can help you establish credibility and attract the right audience. It instantly communicates that your website is focused on AI-related products or services, making it easier for potential customers or investors to find you. Plus, since .ai is still relatively new and not as saturated as other popular extensions like .com or .net, there is a higher chance of finding an available domain name that aligns perfectly with your brand.

So if you’re in the AI industry and want a domain that reflects your expertise and captures attention, consider opting for a .ai domain name.

How Popular Are .ai Domains?

Since the explosion of Large Language Models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT as well as other big projects focused on machine learning, registrations for the domain have skyrocketed.

Back in July 2022, there were about 140,000 .ai domain names registered worldwide. Which, compared to the juggernauts TLDs like .com, or even popular ccTLDs like .nz, was not a lot at all. But since then, there have been more than 500,000 .ai domains.

With this rush of new users flocking to .ai domains, you might think it would be challenging to find a specific domain name that suits your needs. But compared to the millions .com domains registered, it’s wide open, so chances are you’ll be able to find a better name in .ai than in .com. For now, at least. It’s definitely a bit of a gold rush out there.

Are .ai Domains Safe?

We think so. But don’t take out word for it. Online spam trackers, Spamhaus, reckon that just 0.2% of .ai domains have been used in spamming operations. Which is about as low as it ever goes for them. One reason for this is the relatively high cost of .ai domains, which serves as a blocker for shady users. This means that people are more likely to see .ai brands as inherently more reliable. The higher price tag acts as a sort of quality filter, ensuring that those who choose a .ai domain are serious about their business and have genuine intentions.

So, if you’re looking to establish a trustworthy online presence, consider buying a .ai domain. It not only reflects your cutting-edge nature but also helps build credibility in the eyes of your customers.

What Are the SEO Benefits of .ai Domains? 

When it comes to SEO ranking, the .ai domain is treated the same as a .com domain. This means that search engines like Google don’t tend to differentiate between the two when determining rankings. This is definitely a good thing for .ai domains because it means you’re able to compete on an equal footing with domains like .com or .net.

Now, you might be thinking, “Wait a minute, isn’t .ai the country code top-level domain for the island of Anguilla? You know, the British Overseas Territory?” And other than saying, well done to your geography teacher, we’d also mention that, yeah, technically it is, but search engines recognise that it’s also commonly used by people in the artificial intelligence industry. So, they don’t associate it solely with the island. This is something Google has been doing with similar vanity TLDs like .me, .tv, and .co.

Of course, that same search engine cleverness means that .ai domains are starting to get a bit of a boost for searches focusing on AI-related content or subjects. This can only grow as the virtuous circle of users recognising websites that use .ai name extensions often have the information and services they need, and so the search engines push them more.

And that’s, kinda obviously for those of you looking to do great things with artificial intelligence, a good thing.

Yes! .ai Is Absolutely a Good Domain!

So, there you have it! Choosing a domain with in .ai is definitely a smart move, putting your firm in the middle of the AI revolution with all the tech startups changing the future. If you want to register a .ai domain, head to our .ai domain search (or use the search bar below) and find the .ai that suits you. And if we might give you a nudge, it might be a good idea to hurry. Because this is one domain that is going to be big.

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